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Spring clearances tips

Spring is a time of intense property cleaning e.g. cleaning apartments, houses, basements, attics, and garages. It doesn’t have to be a difficult chore – thanks to some smart ideas we would like to present to you.

Sheds, garages, attics clearances with HV Property Clearance
sheds garages attics clearances

With these tips you will quickly deal with unnecessary clutter, household appliances and other things that are not suitable for further use or things that can be recycled or used by others.

Here are some useful tips:

  1. Start with selection – the criteria may be different e.g. item technical condition.
  2. Reach for useful accessories – you will need boxes, coloured markers and labels – all these may be useful – it will definitely help to keep any room tidy since properly labeled boxes allow you to get to stored things faster.
  3. Think what to throw away, give back or sell – items that are suitable for use should be given to those in need. Furniture in good technical condition can be donated to the charity. If you have unwanted and unused items that still work like vinyl records – such items can be listed on the auction site.



Label the boxes during your spring clearances
Label the boxes during your spring clearances

However, if you are still struggling with spring clearance, just don’t have any spare time for that or a clue what to donate for charity then ask professionals.

At HV Property Clearances we have years of experience with all kind of clearances – attics, lofts, garages are not strange to us.

Moreover, we can identify which item can still be used by other people, which one can be donated and which is valuable and can be auctioned.

So, do not hesitate to contact us.